Thursday, September 10, 2009

More books.

Here is most of what I've read since the last bunch of books I mentioned.

Brave New World
Aldous Huxley

It's a classic so I have to give it at least 4 out of 5 stars right? But
quite frankly I think had I read this when it was first published I would
have enjoyed it more. I am polluted with to many more up to date and modern
utopia gone wrong stories. Honestly though what's wrong with free Soma and
electrocuting babies? Read it if you haven't and get your Orgy-porgy on

The Shock Doctrine
Anne Klien

Please read this book! Look for reviews online. I found it shocking, no
pun intended. Many of my previous thoughts on economics have been altered
since reading this book. I am still an advocate of Capitalism but clearly
government oversight and controls are necessary. The Corporatists must not
be allowed undue influence in government.

The Judas Strain
James Rollins

It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys. "I was bit by a monkey once; I
don't want to talk about it". If you like action and adventure this is the
book. I had a great time and the pages flew by. Terrorists are looking to
control the cure for a deadly virus, so are the good guys. Marco Polo seems
to have the answers. This is the Da Vinci code meets Indiana Jones.

Ken Follett


This is another story of Bio-terrorism, with a family touch. I read this in
only two days. It was a page turner and I enjoyed it. The reviews made me
think there was more action than there really was, but I still found it
enjoyable. I like Ken Follett's characters, especially the women.

The Dwarves
Markus Heitz


It has been awhile since I enjoyed reading a fantasy. I did enjoy this one,
but Mr. Heitz is no Tolkien, (although he does honor Tolkien in this book.)
nor is he as good as Terry Brooks. It is not hard for me to put my belief
into suspension and enjoy a good fantasy but I still need a plot that is
more plausible than this to do so. I have not decided yet what this book
truly lacks, but it is lacking something. However it was interesting to
read a story where Dwarves are the heroes. I liked the concept. It is
translated from German (could that be the problem?).

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