Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Arrival - Subic Bay Philippines

Arrival - Subic Bay Philippines

We arrived and anchored in Subic Bay today, Wednesday April Fools day.

This morning after eating my breakfast I checked my email to find a short
note from Mr. George Tricker, Vice President of Contracts for SIU. He let
me know that he received my email and has contacted the company to
investigate my claims. (No personal emails were recieved today however,
very odd)

Shortly after that I learned that the Bosun is now in contact with the union
for the first time in about 4 months and apparently the office is in contact
with the Captain.

I have no idea how things will pan out, whether the Union will see things as
the Bosun, crew and I do, or if the union will back the company and the
captain. At this point I don't care so much, I am just happy that contact
with the union has been accomplished. I suppose every now and then, one of
my little email tirades seems to warrant action.

I replied back to Mr. Tricker and apologized for the informal language and
use of profanity and explained that adding his address was an after thought
after I already wrote the email. My original intent was to vent to friends
and family, but then I thought if I hid his address among others in the
email that perhaps it would not be deleted. I thanked him for such a quick

Anyway, here we are in Subic Bay. We anchored since they were not ready for
us at the dock. A few minutes ago most of the crew caught a launch to
shore. They sure looked like they were ready for a good time. Since my
watches conflict with the launch schedule I will just go ashore after we
dock. I could go tonight, but I would have to pay for my own personal
launch and I don't want to do that.

I hear we should be heading to the dock around 6 am local time. This will
be perfect, my watch will be over at 8am and I can enjoy Subic in the day
light. It is possible that the ship will sail tomorrow night. We will see
how fast the unloading goes. It is about a 3 ½ day sail from here to the
ship yard. If we get in there right away I could be home by Tuesday or
possibly Monday, but I am not really counting on that just yet. A surprise
backload could always rear its ugly head. Some of the crew may just loose
their minds if that happens.

Well I am having happier days and daily dealings with the crew are great.
The other day the slop chest was opened up (the ships store) and all the
bottled water sold out right away. I was disappointed because I did not get
any. For a few days now, our water was not good to drink. I was happy when
everyday since then a crew member would just out of the blue offer me a cold
bottle of water. At least 4 guys offered them to me with out my ever
asking, they represented each department to boot. This ship does truly have
a wonderful and thoughtful unlicensed crew. One could not ask for better

I hope everyone is doing well, especially my darling' with the knee, and mom
and dad recovering from bronchitis. J


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